Call from jail (update)

Soooo today my SO and I were looking up places to eat were expecting so I get crabby when I’m hungry. And he got a call from a random phone number so he answered it. And it was basically like would you like to accept a call from BREEEEEE. He hung up. I know who this girl is and they had a thing over a year and a half ago. And before we got together she use to call him while she was in jail. I asked him about it and at first he started to tell me that he doesn’t talk to her. Then he got mad and was basically like “ do you even believe the stories you tell” so I went to grab water from the gas station because he was cleaning the basement at the new house and I came back and he was kinda being ignorant like asking me are you mad are you tripping about it blah blah blah. So after that he basically took us all for food including my 5 year old. And he bought me everything I wanted with out complaining about money or bitching about something like he usually does. So after we finished eating I asked him why she calls him still. Not are you guys talking or this or that but a why is she still calling? And all he could say was he didn’t know and they he hasn’t talked to her then I caught him in a lie. He said that he told her he had a girlfriend and a baby on the way. And when I asked when he said ok I lied about that part blah blah blah. And now I’m kinda thinking. Like I really don’t give a shit if he’s cheating on me honestly it would make it a lot easier to leave him.

Soooo yesterday we were sleeping and I woke up at 3 I’m pregnant so I need a snack in the night so I asked him to get me something. He did but he replied “if you weren’t pregnant right now I would if kicked you out waking up at 3 in the morning”

Then He said “I threw Bres phone out the window once because she was being so ignorant it wouldn’t stop ringing.

I told him like why would you <a href="">eve</a> bring that up and then he ignored me and said I didn’t love him. I fucking hate him I can’t stand him I don’t know how to get out