4 days or less!! Update 1

Ellie • Abbigail Mae • 01.14.17 • Finnegan Jakob : 01.28.18 : /09.27.19 Tessa Elise /🥰🌼

My water broke today at 33 weeks, 3 days. They won’t stop labor since I’m at a nicu hospital if she decides to start it but if she’s not here by 34 weeks I’m getting induced due to worry of infection.

I’m nervous for labor. Excited to meet my final baby, my daughter Tessa.

Update 1: they ran another cervical check. They’re unsure if it’s my water since the baby could be plugging it. First midwife was 99.9% sure, now to play a waiting game. They’re still treating me as if it is ruptured and said more then likely it is. They ran two tests and one is + one is -