Advice on paternity issues?


Hello Ladies,

So I’ve written on here a few times about my situation.

I slept with a friend on the 1st Dec’18

Then slept with my ex 19th,24th and 28th Dec’18.

LMP 7th Dec’18 and ALL scans correlate with this. 5w, 7w, 12w, 20w, 25w, 36w and 38w. She’s currently following a steady pattern of growth on the 50th percentile for her age.

I’ve spoken to my midwife because my anxiety got really bad, she told me that if I know my dates I need to believe in myself and stop second guessing as it’s now obvious who the father is.

If I was to of conceived from first intercourse, this would of put my due date around 29th August. My daughter was conceived from the same time in a different month in 2017 and I got given a 29th due date.

My due date is 13th September with most probable intercourse dates 18-24th Dec’18.

I’m still comfortable and feel as though labour won’t be coming any time soon. So would this be another factor to say that my ex is the father? The only thing that made me 2nd guess was getting a 4D scan at 25 weeks.

Thanks for any advice c