How do I move on !

My husband cheated on me he has an addiction to prostitutes I think he’s been with 1 before we got married, sometimes he would get a thrill of just texting them, he got caught looking for one a few weeks ago only to admit that it happened again during our marriage recently. He says he needs help and wished he would have realized sooner he’s started counseling and the lady asked me to join but I feel so broken he was a man with a double life he played perfect husband and dad he literally gave me everything I ever wanted besides loyalty. Ik everybody going to say divorce and judge me for even considering but I still love him and our family. I put him out but it’s not helping I legit want to grab my thing and cut off all contact with him but we have a baby together she has special needs and her birthday is this week how do I heal or even move on when I have to talk to him and see him still?