Hating pregnancy

Ok so I need to vent...

my pregnancy is not beautiful, amazing and the best thing ever!

I’m at breaking point with it. I understand there’s meant to be ups and downs to everything but I just feel like it’s downs always!

I have popped since early on and I’m huge for 25 weeks! The pain in my back and ribs make everything a struggle and I can’t even sleep without waking up crying in pain 2/3 times a night! I’m a lucky one 💀 who still has morning sickness and has now lost a whole size in clothing but has a huge bump so that I look silly in everything I wear! Hormones that having me crying at everything sad, funny or happy. I’m nesting too so I’m being a clean freak when I can’t move well. I seriously just want one days break from being pregnant and a good night sleep. I know it’s only going to get harder when baby is here but I can’t wait to not be pregnant! There’s so much more that’s impacting me too and I also don’t have a very supportive/understanding partner. He seems to think that all pregnancy are the same and if one can do it fine, we all can.

Please tell me I’m not alone and others feel this way. I feel bad that I’m hating being pregnant but feeling so horrible 24/7 is taking its toll..


I just want to add from comments made. I love my baby and I’m lucky I am pregnant as it took 4.5 years to get here and bubs is a rainbow baby. I lost the last early on and had double surgery and a cancer scare from it. I’m just saying I hate pregnancy. It’s not something that I’m enjoying at all but I know when I get to meet little one that I know it’s all worth it in the end just a horrible road for myself to get there 😊