Thanks for being a safe space.


A special thank you to this group! Not sure if it’s because we all bond over having March babies or what, but this group has always been such a source of support. I am so thankful for that.

This app has gotten mean and toxic, but maybe that is just the internet in general? I was about to delete the app, but decided to keep it. I deleted all the other groups I belonged to, and just kept this one.

As a 29 year old woman and first time mom, I don’t need people on an app making me feel like crap. I can’t believe I even let that happened and it is shameful. I thought I was stronger, honestly. It’s one thing when you get one or two or three mean comments. But when you have 20 different people personally attacking and berating you, it is too much.

So for the sake of my self-esteem and sanity, I am now just here with you guys. ❤️