How common are evap lines?


I’m confused. The last two pictures were taken last month, I was 9 days late for my period according to my app which is why I decided to test. The pictures aren’t as clear as in person but my friend and I are positive we see a slight line in those pics. About 3 days later I got my “period” which was two days in length, the second day being much lighter than the first, when mine usually last for four. The one with the sink was taken today (sept 10), 3 days late for my period. My dr keeps cancelling my appointments and trying to move them to dates that don’t work for me as my schedules insane and his availability is garbage. Any input is appreciated, more looking for if there’s anything else I should ask my dr about that could trigger this? (Im

going to attempt to reschedule my appointment again but want to know what questions I should be asking lol)