2 year old drooling

My youngest turned two in May, so he’s a little over 2. But he drools. So. Much. My oldest is 5, and he didn’t have this issue, although he was diagnosed with weak tongue and has speech therapy to help. My 2 year old is completely healthy, no oral issues, talks up a storm (way more than my 5 year old did at the same age), and the drooling is fairly new (like last two months new). So I’m not sure what’s normal, or if he’s teething? He’s also been really whiney, but I just figured that was the terrible 2’s. He sleeps with his mouth closed, and eats fine, eats a lot actually. I don’t know why he drools non stop. I’m constantly wiping drool off the floor/couch/myself. It’s honestly getting gross. 😩