I need some advice! PLEASE 😰


Last night my husband and I had sex, the first minute or so of him entering me hurt a little bit. We go to bed shortly after and I was a little sore. I woke up this morning and started having needle like pain in my vagina, around my cervix. I’ve also been experiencing diarrhea? Like cramps on and off all day but no diarrhea. I also get waves of nauseousness when the cramps come. I’ve had this happening all day on and off. I have an office job where I sit most of the day. I’ve tried walking, repositioning myself and have been drinking my weight in water. I had a doctor appointment today and the doctor just kind of shrugged it off. But something just doesn’t feel right to me. But now I feel like I’m over reacting? Just looking for advice.

I’m 33 weeks pregnant.

I have Cholestasis

Baby is head down and measuring about 2 weeks ahead.

They haven’t checked my cervix or anything yet.


Just a picture of our baby boy! 💙