Sweet Eli 9/9/19

C 💚

My sweet and perfect baby boy made his debut yesterday, 9/9.

Had an elective induction, got started on meds at 3am on 9/9 (dilated 2cm) and was already having consistent contractions so I started with the laughing gas for pain. Had my waters broke 9am (3cm) and started pitocin. Made it to 11am and 4cm and decided to get an epidural and the contractions were all in my back and I felt like I was dying. After the epidural the pain decreased significantly but I still felt it. I quickly got to a 5cm after the epidural. I laid on my left side with a peanut ball for an hour and then switched to the other side for an hour and that pushed me to 7cm. The pressure from him moving down was unreal so I moved to my back with my legs propped up on the peanut ball and got to 10cm and fully effaced by 2pm and at 2:16 my beautiful little boy entered the world!

11 hours of labor and a first time mom... we were all shocked how well it went.

9lbs4oz 20inches long