Bloody show after cervical exam

Mr And Mrs

Ok ladies, so early today my doctor sent me to labor and Delivery due to contractions and decreased fetal movement. Well the monitors got baby girl moving (she hates anything touching my stomach) they checked me said I was still at 70 percent effaced and 2 cm dilated. Doc told me he could either keep me for observation or let me go home where I would be more comfortable. I opted to come home. That was at 6pm. Now when I go to the restroom I have a dark colored bloody show when I wipe. Could this me due to the exam or could she have accidentally dislodged the rest of my plug? This is my 3rd child but the first time I've been allowed to labor naturally. (First two I went straight from meds to stoo labor to being induced and doctors broke my water both times) Kind of feeling like a FTM here. Should I call the doctors back or wait it out till my next apt on Thursday.