Elbowed in the abdomen 😱

So early this morning my husbands alarm went off. He keeps it away from the bed so he has to get up to turn it off. Unfortunately our room is so small that we have to have the bed against the wall. I used to sleep against the wall but now it’s just easier for me to be on the end (bathroom breaks, midnight snacks,etc.).

Well this morning his alarm goes off, he goes to crawl over me at the same time I’m turning to face him. This caused him to elbow me in the abdomen (more like we collided). As soon as I fit his elbow I turned my body away and pushed at his arm. I don’t think he actually hit hard, but I’m not sure because I was still half asleep and then freaking out.

The baby moved around a lot after that incident (I was praying for him to move to give me peace of mind 🙏🏼)

It was like 4:50 so I decided to go back to sleep and call the dr when the office opened instead of calling the hospital since i could feel him moving.

I called at about 8:30 while still laying in bed. I was asked if there was cramping, increased discharge, bleeding, and if I had felt the baby move.

At that point I wasn’t feeling any cramping or pain. She told me that unless I started having issues I was fine but if any of what she asked me about occurred I need to go straight to the ER. So I get up, go to the bathroom, get some food etc., and my lower right side of my abdomen starts hurting a little. Now this is where he elbowed me, but it’s also where I more commonly get growing pains and I honestly just don’t know what to do. Should I call back into the drs office or go to the er or just wait it out? I hate to go to the ER because I don’t think my insurance will cover it, but I want to do what’s best for my baby regardless.