22 weeks and STILL bloated AF


Hi lovely ladies,

I've been struggling with bloating and constipation since about week 10. Constipation is now under control (hallelujah!), but I'm still massively bloated every day. I start the day with a cute little bump, and end the day looking 9 months pregnant. And the degree has been that serious pretty much all along.

I guess the bloating doesn't bother me too much (though it's sucking all the fun out of a gender reveal since everyone thinks I must be having a boy since I'm so huge), but is it something I should take more seriously? Is it normal, or should I be investigating food allergies or intolerances at all? I also burp a ton, but no other stomach issues really. I eat small meals throughout the day, get plenty of fiber, drink tons of water, and walk for around an hour every day. Anything else I can try?

Any one else in the same boat? TIA!