What would you do ?

Okay, so this man I’ve been seeing for a while went out to lunch with me on my work break (I get an hour) and as we were finishing up lunch and started talking about wanting to do sexual stuff , I made a joke about we can go to the car and he took it seriously and we ended up in his car kissing

It turned into this thing where he wanted to do more so I told him not in this parking lot so he drove us to a different one and I was just playing with him through his pants ..

he seemed uncomfortable with the situation and had said he needed to go back to his campus (college) and took me back to my car

I asked him what was wrong and he said “you’re just interesting” so now I think he thinks that’s all I want from him, when I thought that was what he wanted ! How do I tell him that without him arguing or telling me I’m not like all men or assuming I’m only wanting to do sexual things every time I’m with him :( advice on how to make this better, I’m afraid to text him now.