Just “be honest and tell them” flaw

Does anyone else sit there and know that sometime the “be honest and tell them” advice isn’t always the best but also the only way to achieve anything at the same time?

My partner has made defined looks when another woman’s boobs/cleavage are fairly visible and actually said out loud phrases about just how much of it is visible and that sucks in one hand but what’s actually worse is when I have mine exposed I don’t notice he does any of the same things he would with others, like the constant eye contact straying and looking at my chest, almost just doesn’t even notice and doesn’t care to want too? So I was like, ehh no point asking anyone what I should do about it as I know everyone will be like “just ask him why he doesn’t, communicate”

I did that, I straight out said “why is it when my boobs/cleavage are out you barely notice or want too but with others you’ve made full emphasis on them” but now I’ve done that, I know when he does emphasise mine it’ll be because I brought it up and I just don’t feel satisfied with it not being from natural attraction? Does that make any sense? It’s not even that I’m little chested either, like I’m out here with damn J cups and get nothing? I feel insecure about it ngl