
ok so i have a girlfriend, we were together for 7 months but then our parents found out, sent us to therapy and made us break up. Now it’s been like 4 months and we got back together yesterday because... we just had to, we were really happy together and we missed it.

So point being last year homecoming was really special for us cause we weren’t dating yet but it’s the day we admitted we liked eachother

So I had planned it all out how I was going to ask her to homecoming this year. We send eachother nerdy Pinterest’s posts all the time so I was going to post something to my pintrest account and send it to her and it’s a picture of us with the gay pride flag and it says “ (her name) I have a pintrest-ing idea wanna go to homecoming with me?”

And I was really excited to ask her but she said the other day to one of my friends that’s she dosnt want to go AT ALL

And I’m kind of disappointed because again I had it all planned and I felt like it was a special day for us, some of my friends say to ask her anyway cause maybe she dosnt want to go because she feels like no one will go with her

But at the same time I don’t want to ask her and she might feel pressured to go even tho she dosnt have to say yes

So ya

Point being should I ask her to homecoming??