Things were great in marriage until the baby came

My husband and I were great before. The day o was admitted to be induced he was like a fucking stone. Just no emotion no support all of a sudden. He totally shit on the labor experience I envisioned us having. He finally pulled through for me the last 2 hours of labor. Baby arrived and we were great. All smiles looking at each other with adoration and love. We get home with baby still great. A few days later it all went downhill. He acts like a complete asshole with me. He is constantly criticizing the way I do things with the baby yet i am the only one who can get her to sleep. He freaks out if I try to ask if he wants help when she is fussy with him and he cant get her to sleep. He calls me a psycho and a bitch. This is so so far from how I thought it would be for us and it went from great to bad so quick I feel completely blindsided. In some ways I don't give a shit about his attitude problem because I only have enough in me to give 100% of myself to my baby. But its really really getting to me. I'm pumping exclusively and he helps with feedings he is actually a really good daddy just a shit husband right now but its taking a toll on me emotionally and I lm feeling like I'm going to end up stopping breastfeeding sooner than I'd like because its really hard and a huge commitment and responsibility and I so want to keep it up but with this emotional toll leeching at me I feel like I dont know how much thinner I can be spread. If that makes sense. And I'm feel so resentful that the experience is being ruined for us as a couple and if I do stop breastfeeding I will be even more resentful because I feel like I'm not being supported or appreciated.