People seem more mean while I’m pregnant

Ok, so I never thought I’d be put on a pedestal or treated like a Goddess. However, I did think- oh I’m now over 7 months pregnant. People will be nice, smile at me, open or hold a door for me- you know common courtesy stuff we should be doing regardless. My friend even told me a couple years ago she loved being pregnant because everyone was so nice to her. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong- but I feel like people are WORSE since I’ve been pregnant.

I’ve had people give me mean, horrible, dirty looks while I’ve been at the pool or beach with a 2 piece on (how dare I have my belly out to be more comfortable) to the point that my husband actually noticed and almost said something.

I’ve gotten dirty looks at stores when people have had to navigate around me. I’ve had people drop heavy doors on me instead of holding them for me. I’ve smiled at people (mostly women) only to have them look at my stomach and back at me and give me a dirty look.

And today, I was in the grocery store- my husband was getting a cart. I walked inside the doors and stopped and waited (by where the greeter would be) a lady and I think her mom and little boy came flying in the door not looking at me. The little boy was going to run right into my stomach, so I turned so my stomach wasn’t going to take the direct hit- that’s all I had time to do. At the last minute the lady pulled her sons arm and he just missed me. Then she yelled “you could’ve moved out of the way you dumb white bitch!” I couldn’t believe it. I looked over at them with a dumbfounded look and they both continued to yell stuff. I instantly got tears in my eyes. I’m clearly and undeniably pregnant. I was standing still with no time to react, and why would I think I would have to get out of the way of someone walking? I don’t know why it bothered me so much, but it did. I just wish people weren’t so hateful all of the time.