Running on empty

Bonnie • Mommy to an amazing little girl; stepmom to 3 other amazing kids! 💕 Instagram: 19_bs_88

My LO is 3 weeks old and has been the fussiest baby ever. A lot of her fussiness is due to being gassy, and I think she’s also colicky. She had a rough start, as I had GD and gestation hypertension, so they induced me at 38 weeks. The labor process was rough and she was in the canal for a good minute and was born face up. Apparently that is rough on a baby. Then she had glucose and body temperature issues, and was close to going to NICU. Anyway, she’s thriving now other than the GI issues. But I am so tired and frustrated. She is currently formula fed because we had latching issues, and I have to wear shields. She was having problems getting the milk, so I would pump and feed her what I pumped, but my supply was low. I’m a single mom, so a lot of times I found it difficult to pump and take care of her. I did everything I could to keep my supply up. Anyway, she’s on Enfamil AR because of the reflux. A few days ago I switched to Enfamil Nutramigen to see if her reflux and gas was a milk allergy. I think I made things worse because today she’s been inconsolable and she’s even wheezing. (Reflux causes wheezing and congestion), so I went back to enfamil AR. Any other moms have words of advice or encouragement? I don’t want to feel this way.