OB advice needed!! Am I over reacting?? **UPDATE**


I found out that I am expecting my second child over a month ago and am currently over 8 weeks along. I set what was supposed to be my first appointment up as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Mind you, over a month ago.

My first appointment is scheduled for next Thursday, 9/18. I reluctantly scheduled this appointment knowing I’d be well over 9 weeks along even though I had already had TWO OB appointments with my first pregnancy by this time. I also scheduled this because it’s where I had my daughter and because I was high risk. We drive over an hour to get there and up until yesterday I felt happy about going back, despite the drive.

Anyways, yesterday I get a call from the clinic telling me that my OB wouldn’t be in and that I’d have to reschedule and that I should have never had an appointment scheduled for that day because they knew she wouldn’t be there...ok..I thought no big deal, it happens. So I asked her when I could get in again and she replied with THE END OF NEXT MONTH!! So I start to get pissed..first off, if you knew she wasn’t going to be there, WHY was I scheduled?! Second off, if you knew she wasn’t going to be there, why did you wait until less than a week to tell me?! Oh and third, why the FFFF do I have to wait over a month to be seen after YOU messed up?!?!

Trying to remain calm, I sternly explain to her that I’m a teacher, I have my sub plans set and this appointment has been approved for OVER A MONTH NOW. I cannot just reschedule and drop my sub and everything I have set in place this short notice so she needed to figure something out..she finally moved some things around and got me in, but I won’t be seeing my OB now because she obviously isn’t there.

I am freaking out for obvious reasons..that of which being I am getting closer to the end of my first trimester and have no idea if everything is going ok..after having miscarriages before and having our last pregnancy being so high risk I feel like they should understand the importance of having appointments scheduled regularly to monitor things just in case...beings how they’re an OB office

I called my mom and she was just as livid as I was but I’m wanting more opinions.

I will go to my appointment next Thursday Since I’ve had to wait forever, but should I stay with them after that or give them a chance?? This is an entirely different office than we were at last time since I was high risk before. The office we were at last time was the sole reason we decided to stay with this hospital even though it’s over an hour drive to get there, and there’s closer hospitals to us..after that call I’m getting bad vibes!



I went to the appointment today despite my bad gut feeling..turns out I should have listened to my gut!

My allowed rescheduled to 10:30, I showed up at 10 only to be told that my appointment had be cancelled due to me being a no show...I asked them how that was possible because I was rescheduled an appointment at 10:30 and showed them the confirmation. I started getting hot pissed, explained the situation and as it turns out, the person who called me failed to mention that I still needed to come in at 9 for my “consultation appointment.” I explained that I drove over an hour to get there, took off work and reluctantly took on a new OB so that I could keep this date, so why in the hell would I no show?!

Anyways, they frantically get me in and the person who called me tried to tell her boss that she swears she told me...mmmm nope!

I get my urine sample done..pregnant. Duh.

I get my blood pressure and weight..

And then I meet my “new OB.” She was rude as hell, treating me like shit because she thinks I tried to no show. She asks me when my last period was, I tell her, she tells me that I won’t be needing an ultrasound today because she’s “pretty sure” my due date is April 23 but she’s not sure...super pissed here..

And then she starts asking me about my medical records.. to which I find out that they wrote down my blood type incorrectly...are you shitting me?!

They send me to get my blood work done and after the routine 6 vials I’m getting even more pissed at the fact that I’m not getting treated well after everything..I ask the nurse again, why I’m not getting an ultrasound to confirm my date and she replies with “she thinks you were a no show, so she doesn’t like you and won’t give you one.”


I get done with this appointment that took 2 hours, get to the check out desk and sign the paperwork to transfer to an OB much closer to home.

I’ve heard horror stories of OB offices turning to nightmares after some women have their babies but this is just insane. I contacted their manager and went up the chain in command to talk to them about how awful this day was..I’m still in disbelief as to how awful of a day it was.

Always trust your gut, ladies.