Thoughts about a very old ex...

I’ve always had thoughts about an ex from high school and lately I’ve been chatting to him (not sexually, just catching up)

It makes me reminisce and wonder what could have been.

I have a 5 year old daughter to my current SO but we don’t have a sexual life. Sex kinda doesn’t interest me.

I’m more interested in wanting girls and other people.

He doesn’t know about it at all. I keep this from him because I don’t want him to think I’m cheating because I’m not, and I never would. I love him, but not really sexually attracted to him anymore since he broke my heart 2 years ago.

Thins have been very different since then.

I don’t really know why I’m writing this, I guess I just want to vent.

I can’t vent in my social media’s in fear of being judged.