24 weeks and sick af

5 days ago started feeling like crap. Went to dr. She literally only looked at me and said sinus infection. Heres amoxicillin and a shot to help it faster. I wasnt comfortable with the shot cause I asked if it was okay while pregnant and she said it should be. Asked to see another dr. He said allergies and confirmed that the antihistamines he will prescribe are safe. Baby is moving and everything is okay with him but I am not feeling any better and my dr is out of the office for family emergency until Thursday. I'm not sure what else to do. I didnt take antibiotics cause the 2nd dr said he wasnt sinus infection. 3 months ago I took amoxicillin and had yeast infection with it.

What else is there to do to make myself feel better. It feels like I have bricks on my chest. I'm wheezing. Coughlin uncontrollably. Migraine. Ears popping. Runny and stuffy nose. Just literally feel like crap..