Did anyone ever have sensory issues after being raped/sexually assaulted and is there anyway to get over it?

I was raped by a family member multiple times over the course of 6 months and ever since I’ve had a lot of sensory issues with being touched in certain places. It happens even with my husband and children and I really want to find a way for it to not be a trigger anymore. If my husband or children get too close to my neck when hugging me or cuddling me I start to feel a panic attack coming on and a lot of the time I have to physically remove myself from the situation because I feel like I’m going to lose it. Sometimes I just go into the bathroom and break down crying. It happens too with other places on my body but my neck seems to be the biggest issue. My husband knows about my issues and tries to not do things that will trigger it but sometimes he’ll brush against an area by accident or forget and with my children they’re young and I don’t plan to ever explain this to them so I’m hoping to find a way to cope better.