One step forward


Well let’s just start this with my husband and I have 2 beautiful girls. We also have a son on the way 😅 I’m 35 weeks pregnant and last month we got into a contract for a home! A 3 bedroom home and it’s beautiful. I’m 22 and my husbands 28. The week we got into contract my water pump blew on my truck 300 dollar fix The next week my unit in the transmission. 1600 dollar fix. Thank god hubby was on mandated OT. All while we were supposed to be saving for a 2000 dollars for closing costs. Welp. TODAY WE CLOSED ON OUR HOUSE! We even got money back due to some errors on the sellers part! I’ve been so stressed this last month! We needed new furniture for the new place and a washer and dryer, finish getting baby stuff, paying our last months rent here. But here we are are we got it. We are done being in the renting business!! I’m so beyond proud of my Husband. All in time so we can settle in our new home right before the baby comes 🥰🥰🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍😍I’m exhausted so is he but we finally are home owners 😭😭😭🥰