His mom hates me

Tricia, 🇨🇦 PCOS, Mama to two babygirls 💕

So me and my boyfriends mom have always gotten along , we would go out and do stuff together, if I was having issues with him she would help me out .. so that was amazing for the first little bit...


We found out we were pregnant and I am 21 and he is 23 , when I went upstairs to tell her when we found out the first thing that came out of her mouth was.. oh so I guess you’re are keeping it then.. I was like yes for sure. Now his older sister (24) she just had a abortion 2months before we found out we were pregnant.. she didn’t want the abortion, but there mom made her because there mom had her convinced that she can’t look after a baby alone,

So now I’m 13weeks and nothing has gotten any better she had told us she plans on moving out and giving me and my boyfriend the house, but she said that months ago before we got pregnant and now she is still here (me and yes me and my boyfriend live with her and his 2sisters)

Everywhere I go I feel like she’s hating on me or talking shit about me, and I seriously have no idea what I did, yes I’m pregnant with your grandchild but it’s not like it’s the end of the world me and my boyfriend are extremely happy about the baby , but she doesn’t care about our happiness apparently it’s all about her happiness. She says she’s too young to be a grandma 😂 she’s 45 . She got pregnant at 19. So we are already doing better than her..

I just don’t know how to deal with all of this and not let it get to me 😭