FET today! Mixed emotions


Hey all so today was my FET, I felt super excited and nervous at the same time. As I was laying down the doctors asked me if I was ready. They put the clamp in and then the embryologist came in frozen embryo inside of the catheter. They faced the monitor towards me so I can view the process of my transfer. I felt so emotional when they pointed out the embryo inside on my uterus. I thought it was so beautiful I nearly cried. The nurse printed out the pic of my sonogram with our little embryo. I waited till they left the room and bawled my eyes out. I felt a combo of mixed emotions. I felt worried, happy, excited and anxious. The moment they transferred that frozen embryo into my uterus I felt like a mom again. Like reality just set in. When they gave me that sonogram photo of my embryo, emotionally I felt attached, I fell in love with something that hasn’t taken complete form. I fell in love with dot that is in the process of becoming a sweet baby. For me, this is the rough part of the journey. I call this chapter “ The Waiting Game”. I have to wait about 8 days for a pregnancy test. This is hard because you don’t know if it’s safe to feel excited. But through this journey all I can do is trust God and know that he has the perfect plan. To all of you who are struggling in your thoughts and can’t find peace know that a God is in control. ❤️❤️❤️❤️