Just want some time alone and constantly being made to feel guilty about it... 😔


So, I'm constantly cleaning the house, cooking, looking after Kai all day, everyday (my 10 and a half month old), trying to be a good partner and give HIM attention too, my partner and I are around each other 24/7 obviously because we live together. There are days like today, where I literally want to do nothing, and say nothing I just want to be by myself and enjoy my solitude, reading a book, watch YouTube videos, watch a show (all the whilst taking care of my son, lol because who else is going to do it) anyway, everytime I decide to have one of these days, my partner ALWAYS makes me feel guilty? He doesn't even have to say anything to me, he just starts moping around, making sad faces, stands and stares at me with weird looks on his face like I need to entertain him... It's really starting to annoy me, we always kiss and hug and etc. But as soon as I just want time alone he just changes? Before we got together, I loved my solitude, I've always enjoyed my own company... I like being alone, the fact that he makes me feel bad because I want one quiet day off where I just want to do my own thing, not talk just chill out is really making me feel trapped a little. I feel like he should respect my need for wanting to be alone sometimes, it's my time to refuel, otherwise I get resentful and angry. I've been sick with body aches, headaches, and tonsilitis the last couple of days and I haven't slowed down, I want a day to just do nothing and rest and he's making me feel bad about it. It is bad that I just want to be by myself for a day, when I have these days it had NOTHINg to do with how I feel about it, I just want solitude and to enjoy the things I want to, but he always say things like "are you mad at me" or "don't you love me anymore" like, it's ridiculous? Just because I want my space he automatically thinks I don't love him? 😔

Is anyone else like this? Or is anyone else's partner like this?