What I did to conceive, after 2 years of trying!

Shancy • Mother of 2 Wonderful boys 👩‍👦‍👦 and 1 baby baking🤰🏽 EDD 04/19/2020

I am finally coming down off this pregnancy high, long enough to explain Exactly what I did to conceive, after 2 yrs of trying!!

I have a 8 yr old and a 4 yr old (boys) and thought I’d try for a girl. In the 2 yrs that I was actively trying to conceive, the partners changed, 3x (don’t judge 🤦🏽‍♀️ lol). I finally concluded that I was the issue because 1 of the partners I had previously had a child with (my 4 yr old) so I would often question

“why was it so easy for us to conceive in 2014 vs now”

“why are sperm and egg not meeting”


self-diagnosed myself with having a blocked tube, bc surely something was preventing me from getting pregnant. I made an appointment with a fertility specialist to have an hsg exam done, but without insurance it would be 950$ so that appt got cancelled, expeditiously. I then turned to all of the natural remedies that I found on here; everything you can think of I tried: eating pineapple core, pressed, diva cups, castor oil packs, etc. Nothing seemed to work.

Then I found a young lady on YouTube that said she naturally unblocked her tubes with 2 things: Serrapeptase 120,000 mg units and these Chinese teas that are said to remove blockage in your tubes.

So I immediately ordered the serrapeptase and started taking them, once a day. But by day 4, I was taking 5-6 a day because I was anxious to get some sort of result. I mean they’re vitamins and you can’t overdose on vitamins so why not take a handful at a time 🤷🏽‍♀️

In about a month, I had took about 3/4 of the bottle. I say 3/4 because my son got a hold of the bottle and emptied the rest of the vitamins on the floor and I just discarded them. This was in July ‘19.

August 3 I was supposed to get my period, and nothing came so I chalked it up to stress and left it at that. August 12 (9 days later) still no period and I’m like “I’m not that stressed let me take a test” and low and behold PREGNANT ✨

So I would like to believe the cause of my Pregnancy is God because I did A lot of praying, and the Doctor’s Best brand of serrapeptase!

Good luck to whomever is reading this and Baby Dust ✨✨