I don’t want to end things

Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and some change

We’ve know each other since High School and been friends for almost 4

In the beginning it was great, the sex was great, conversations were great, adventures were great the relationship was great

But more and more it’s gotten worse

Sex is trash and I’m not being pleased

Our days always end in confrontation or an argument

We don’t go out and have me (it’s more like going out just to go out)

And there’s just no spunk to our relationship anymore.

I work a full time job & im a student & well he barely work 8 hours a week & is constantly playing video games. I try my hardest to make time and keep going in this relationship but I don’t know what to do.

Help me please. I don’t want to end things because he’s honestly the love of my love and treats me so well and I don’t want to give up on someone and regret it down the line. I just don’t know what to do ..

help plz