My First Same Sex Relationship, opinions needed


So.. About a year ago I finally slowed down and thought to question my own sexuality. There had been signs all my life.. But id never slowed down to think. Anyway. My 1 year of knowing who I am just past. In early October of 2018 I came out to my friends and family as Bisexual. Well.. Up until I was 16 I had only ever been in a hetero relationship. Well as of almost 2 months ago I started dating my very first Girlfriend! She is awesome and I absolutely am in love with her. But someone has come to my attention and its making me worry about myself. These past 2 months we've spent a bigger proportion together than apart, so we've had lots of sex. Ive been able to go down on her and her orgasm and I enjoy doing that for her.. Ive made her orgasm bunchs of time. But.. Everytime she goes down of me.. Nothing.. Its really made me question who I am again.. I know I love her in a romantic way.. But I dont come..? I have with guys before..but never them going down on me just during sex.. Idk maybe this is just me not being familiar with having sex with a girl.. I need some outside opinions.. My worrying is clouding my judgment

Heres a photo of us bc we are cutee