Sierra • 1/13/2018 💏+👫 9/30/2018 💔👼 R.I.P. Oren 5/29/20 🌈👶🏻 MapleMae 🐶 Jane 🐱 Kiki

Okay, please be my detectives and help me!!!!

so i’m cramping like it’s a period

but it came four days before my period and glow has never been wrong...

i’ve been moody,

before I started bleeding I was nauseous for two days, right when I woke up.

It hurts when I lay on my stomach.

My bleeding didn’t stop when I was in the shower like a normal period would.

I have had bad cramps like a normal period

It is heavy but last pregnancy I bled for a whole month in the first trimester.

And I’m getting hungry that my stomach grumbles at the same time every day and that’s only happened when I was pregnant...

The fiber I’m taking could do that too.

I get dizzy at least 4 times a day

And all this within a week

It’s been a week and a half since ovulation

Here’s my pictures and when we had sex... if you can say your opinion I would appreciate it... I really feel like I am.

Doctor did pee test and it was negative... it could be too early!? Maybe...

I bet I have to wait to see huh 😭