Help !!

So i had sex everyday last month besides the day i had my period. !! This month i was really sure i was pregnant but i got my period tho ! This time around it was right on time but i usually bleed realy light the first couple day and than heavy ! But not this time i bleeded really heavy from the first to the last but did I mention that it was only here for like 3 1/2 days or so ?! So i took a test before i had my period and it was negative than i took another one and same buy damn if i aint have all the morning sickness im

Tired and my nipples are sore some what and ive had sex everyday this month as well ( i just love sex lmao ) and im due for my ovulation in a couples days ??!!! But what should i do ? Am i pregnant or am i not and i dont wanna go to doctors and im not tho ???? HELP ME ?