Did you have the “feeling” you’d deliver early?

Rachel • Married to my better half, Mommy to a beautiful baby boy born 11/17/16, baby in Heaven MC 12/12/18, Baby girl Born 10/21/19.

I’m current 36+3 weeks and I’ve been having this feeling that I will deliver early, probably since 32 weeks. Of course, I don’t know what early may be, but I just have this overwhelming feeling that I will. I didn’t have my son until 41+1 weeks so he was late, but I never thought I’d have him early.

Did any mamas have a “feeling” and actually had baby early?

I just want baby to make it to at least the 37/38 week mark (40 would be ideal of course), but I don’t know why I have this feeling. I’ve also been having a lot of lower back pain, a lot more BH than I remember with my son and even though I have HG, I’ve been sicker than I have been the last couple months. Like I’ve been vomiting and nauseous everyday even after taking zofran.

Just wondering if this “feeling” could be a maternal instinct of impending labor like “nesting”.