Omg HELP is there a regression right now?

🤯 For the past two days (she usually pees on her potty every morning) when I put her on there she gets upset and gets off and wants her pull-ups back on. Then today I got a dress online I just wanted to try on real quick so she thinks I’m leaving the house and starts screaming. I was even thinking about putting my sweats back on so she would get that I wasn’t going to leave.

So lunch time, she loves our mini poodle and is usually the boss of him lol- but today she acts like he’s a bear or something and I had to put him outside so she would calm down. I’m trying to prepare lunch for us and she screams every-time I put her down so I have to hold her on my hip, which she is almost 35 lbs by now so it’s not easy.

After lunch I go to put on Dora the Explorer which she likes, but she starts crying and wants puppy dog pals (Puppy) which she used to always watch when she was a baby.

So that gave me the lightbulb that it’s some sort of regression going on? Hope it will not last long I have been at home for 6 months exclusively but start my new job in Oct. 🙏🏼