Help! VBAC or no?

My son was born early March of 2018 by csection. I had gestational diabetes so at 39 weeks I went in for the Foley balloon and was to be induced the next day. The balloon did not work and I did not dilate. My ob told me I had 15% chance of giving birth naturally as he was not engaging. It was decided I'd have a c section. After c section he told me that my uterus was forming band around baby and that I had a very small pelvis and I'd most likely never have a vaginal birth. I didnt even get to try to labor. I never got to have my water break or have a contraction. Nothing. I have no special birth story. It took me a while to get over. This time around I'm 28 weeks and I had placenta previa which resolved on it's own. My ob, same ob that did my c section says to me " so do you want to have a vaginal birth?" I literally get out of my seat, shocked as I was under the impression that I'd never give birth vaginally. I'm assuming he forgot about my issue and I reminded him. He remembers now but will still support my choice to go naturally on my own but let me know of my risks ( baby getting stuck, uterine rupture and so on) it's all I can think about. Why is it so important I have this vaginal birth? I havent decided if I want to just book my second c section or try to go naturally. Am I selfish for even entertaining the idea of trying vaginal even tho he said my chances aren't good. Its been driving me nuts. I'm looking for support and other people's experiences with vbac and or smaller pelvis.