I can’t stand my dog

Please no negative comments, I already feel bad as it is. So we have a French bull dog and since we’ve gotten him I find I’m always stressed out and in an irritable mood. I love dogs but I never really owned a pet dog before, nor had much interest in getting one. But my son and husband both wanted one so bad so I caved and said ok. Mind you my husband also agreed on doing most of the work related to the dog as I do everything else anyway. Well after we got him everything fell on me, nobody did anything such as the walking, the cleaning up after him etc. So I was stuck doing it all. He’s loud and snorty, he chews toys, he pees on our carpet even tho he knows he needs to go outside, he’s stinky even if we bath him, he’s destroyed our yard so we can’t even go out and enjoy it anymore, he does this thing where he humps the air then cleans up his mess 🤢🤮extremely noisily and snorty for a whole half our which is disgusting. I’m not sure why he drives me crazy, I mean I love him but wish we never got a dog. I feel horrible for saying that but it’s true. I loved my life before we got a dog but now I’m just tired, overwhelmed and irritated. He is my sons best friend so obviously we would never get rid of him but how can I get myself to be happy having a dog.

Please don’t judge.