I got rid of my dog and I don’t regret it. *EDIT*

A few months ago I posted here about my dog dilemma, but to recap, my husband and I wanted to adopt a puppy to train to be kid friendly as we were planning on trying for a family soon after.

I was searching for a Great Dane mix because that’s what I was accustomed to, our last family dog being a Dane/lab mix and was a wonderful family pet.

I was contacted by a rescue who had several malamute/sher Pei mixes who they said would likely be around 120lbs and knowing we were looking for a larger dog they got in touch.

When we went to see the puppies (12 weeks old) they were in a shopping cart while all the other dogs were in a play pen. They said this was because they didn’t have their shots yet. The woman raved about how friendly they were and how they’d be excellent for a growing family.

They were lovely dogs, and we fell in love with one. We quickly realized the puppy was no friendly. He was terrified of us and everyone. He didn’t seek affection or want to be around us.

I tried hard with him. I took him to training and behavioral therapy, spending over a grand in the first year on that alone. He grew to tolerate my husband and I, but hated everyone else. He showed aggression and we tried and tried to train and redirect that. He loved playing with other dogs though, but I was really terrified that he was going to bite or attack someone no matter what we did. We couldn’t even leave on vacation because we couldn’t trust leaving the dog with anyone else. I came to find out the woman who adopted one of his brothers had returned him to the rescue months later because their dog was showing the same behaviors.

So when I got pregnant and bigger he ran circles around me. He no longer paid me any heed as far as obedience. He consistently ran away, jumped on our tables and got into food, ran through the neighborhood and eating peoples trash.

I was unable to take him for walks because he was so wild when he saw another person he’d nearly pull me down and growl and bark so my husband had to do all that.

When I asked for advice I mostly got a lot of hate from people calling me a terrible person for thinking of finding another home for him if he continued on this path once the baby was around.

Someone said I should go to the vet and have them do a blood test to DNA test his breeds to better know what we were dealing with, (though I am definitely one for believing there are not breeds that are “bad” they definitely have different traits.)

We ended up doing the test and it came back that he was actually a wolf hybrid with malamute/sher Pei. I would not have thought it to look at him because of the sher Pei, but there is actually enough wolf in him that it is illegal by our state laws to own. 😮

My vet got me in contact with a sanctuary in another state and we ended up giving him up to them. They sent us pictures and said he is very happy with his new pack. The rescue agency was contacted I know and they acted like they had no idea, but I’m pretty sure they did and were just trying to get rid of them before anyone said anything.

I 100% would not have felt safe having my baby with the dog in the house and it would not have been fair to the dog to keep it always separated when my son started crawling or waking to explore. I am breathing a huge sigh of relief.

Just thought this was a crazy turn of events and thought I’d let you all know.

EDIT: For all the people going after me, you clearly did not bother to even read my post but are the same that berated me the first time I posted about this, but simply saw the words “Getting rid of a dog”and decided to comment.

We did not go to a breeder. We adopted from a rescue. We had put in that we were looking for a Great Dane mix and if they came across one that we’d be interested and that particular rescue contacted us because they saw we were looking for a larger dog and thought we may be interested in seeing that litter. The puppies were apparently found on a farm up north. We live in Michigan. It is illegal to own such an animal in our state with so much wolf blood, so our option was basically a sanctuary or having him put down.

I did not rehome him because he did not go to a home. He is in a sanctuary.

He showed consistent signs of aggressive behavior towards people, and like I said, we did training and behavioral therapy. If you are a mother you would understand that the safety of your child comes before anything.