Strange vein on my forehead??

Anzel 🇿🇦 • Happily married with a beautiful little girl (2019) 🥰 and four angel babies (05/2016, 05/2020, 10/2020 & 09/2021).

Hi ladies

I noticed something strange today. So, my colleagues took me out for breakfast and had a small baby shower for me at the restaurant. My one colleague/friend took some pictures and sent them to me afterwards. When I looked at them, all of my pictures showed that I had a very prominent vein on my forehead just above my left eye. I wonder what that could be? I have never had this before, so it is really strange to me.

I have been on bedrest for a week already due to gestational hypertension, and have been om bp meds twice a day since last Thursday. I also got my second steroid shot for baby’s lungs yesterday. Not sure if this might have been the cause. I had absolutely no pain of pressure at the time of the pictures.

Any ideas? Here is a few you can look at.

Btw - I am 33 weeks 3 days today and proudly plus sized. 🤩