3rd Times the Charm?


I have had to miscarriages. The first one I started miscarrying at home at 12 weeks. The second time, I went in for an ultrasound at 12 weeks and there was no heartbeat. 3 years later I am ready to try again. This is our first month trying! 🤞🏼 AF is due in 3 days. So I am 11-ish dpo. I have been nauseous all week long. Everytime I stand up I feel like I am going to vomit.

9 dpo I threw up brushing my teeth. Get nauseous all day. And very exhausted.

10 dpo I was having slight pelvic cramping and was very very moody for no reason at all. Exhausted again.

11 dpo today, and felt dizzy, nauseous, and have committed twice today. No feelings in my tummy or pelvic today. No boob pains.

I just wanted to share my story and see if anyone else is going through the same thing? Cycle buddies? Similar stories? I’d love to hear!!