Baby #5 and still worrying 😣


Even after 4 beautiful babies you would assume, i would be thinking ‘it’s all going to absolutely fine’. I worry even more!!!

4 weeks 5 days and everything makes me panic, every twinge, cramp, strange sensation??

I’m worrying about worrying and what it might do?!!!

My husband lost his job this week and while he’s a contractor and it’s the name of the game (and he’s never been unable to find another job within a few days) I’m stressing.

I worry something is wrong because of my age (33).

I worry it’s twins and my car/house will be rendered useless.

I worry what people will think, I’ve been married 16 years nearly and all my children are with my husband but I worry what people will think.

My family will be like oh god not another one. We went through a stage of wanting another baby then we changed our minds and this happened whilst waiting to get the coil fitted (hormonal methods of contraception send me loopy).

I can’t seem to chill out which in itself it’s driving me round the bend.

I read some ladies posts on here and I know how lucky I am, I just to start enjoying it!!!!