Anyone need to move past fear to ttc again?


I had a traumatic birth experience with my first and it’s really making it hard to think of chancing it again with another pregnancy. We would love to have a second, but I just can’t get over the fear that I’m going to leave my firstborn without his mom. We have such a strong bond and I love him so much that it feels almost impossible to risk it all by delivering again. Add to that the fact that I would be 40 when I deliver and I had a prior csection (both things that statistically increase your chance of major problems) and I just feel like I’m doomed to not make it. Got the green light from my doctors, but not making any progress on the actual trying and everyday I just get older and older. Anyone conquer these kinds of fears? It’s bumming me out and I feel like I just need to make a choice one way or another.