Is it true?

How true is having watery diarrhea a sign of labor starting soon? I've been reading that it's true and then some articles are saying it is not. Anyone experience this?

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It CAN be a sign, it could also just be diarrhea. The irritation of the bowels can stimulate a similar irritation in the uterus and almost set the pace for oncoming contractions. Unfortunately there's no way to know until the contractions start!


Rachael • Sep 22, 2019
*until the contractions start!


Posted at
I had reallllly awful diarrhea two days in a two last week. Cane out of nowhere and I have been constipated my entire pregnancy. Still pregnant, no signs of labor yet, but my belly is WAY lower than it was last week. I think it’s a sign baby is dropping.


Posted at
I feel like everyone's experiences are totally different - there's no set list of symptoms that indicate the start of labour. Good luck!


Posted at
I did not have diarrhea before labor with any of my pregnancies (currently 38 weeks with my third). I have heard others on here say that they have though. So it might just be one of those things like Braxton hicks or morning sickness where some people experience those symptoms but others don't 🤷‍♀️


Posted at
I didn’t have diarrhea with my first but I def had lots of bowel movements.


Posted at
I don't know but I did have it yesterday afternoon at 37 + 6. I've never been excited to see diarrhea before 🤣 I had contractions all Friday night and lost my mucus plug. But haven't had any major contractions since then and no sign baby is on the way.... So I guess we wait and see!


Posted at
With my first I had it 3 days before an appointment and turned out I was 4 cm fully effaced and had a bulging bag of waters. (36 weeks 6 days) then the next weekend I’d happen again. I had my daughter at 38 weeks and was 7 cm and didn’t even know it. I’m currently 37weeks 4 days with my second and last night I had it. I hope he comes soon!