Why would i be spotting? Help!!

Hi! So basically, my period was supposed to start today (sep 22) but 2 days ago, I started spotting a little bit. It didn’t actually come out into my underwear, it was only when I wiped and saw it mixed with discharge. It was also brown at times and pink others but never red, which is odd for my period. It didn’t have clots either which my period ALWAYS has clots. At the time, I had thought maybe it was just because my period was starting soon. But yet it hasn’t came yet and the spotting stopped. I’m so confused. I have no cramping or period pains that I usually get. I don’t think it’s implantation but it could be?? I know it usually only happens 6-12 days after ovulation but my ovulation was a few days off from what the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> said it was going to be (according to my OPK’s) Not to mention that right before it started, I got raw egg white discharge when I wiped which usually only happens when during ovulation for me. Like I said, im really confused. I’ll take whatever advice i could get. I don’t really have any trustworthy females to come to with this issue and I’m 17 :// Thank you.

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