Am I being unreasonable or irrational ?

I’m pregnant with our first. We don’t live together at the moment but have been considering because we think that will benefit our relationship for the better. That being said, I cannot STAND his living arrangements and wouldn’t dare bring our baby into what I think is an unsafe environment.

For starters, He has two female dogs that are NOT housebroken or spayed. They constantly fight and when one decides to potty in the house, the other sniffs it then goes right in the same spot. Another thing that really bothers me is that he doesn’t set any boundaries with them. He lets them on the furniture (sofas & bed) and they invade all of your personal space. His beagle in particular sheds ridiculously and it triggers my allergies. They have no structural training whatsoever so they gave no manners. When I come over, the continually bark at me and jump on me. I literally have to turn my back to them as soon as I step in the door or they’ll jump all over me nipping my legs and hands.

The next thing is the cats. He has two male cats (brothers) that are NOT neutered so they spray. They hiss at me and cats alone give me anxiety.

I’ve mentioned these concerns to him be he really doesn’t seemed to be bothered by it. I think my main concern is the dogs, as they pose a safety threat to the baby with them jumping up and down off the furniture as the please.