
*long post*

I’m going to be a single mommy, and I would just love advice. Any advice you have. From Labor & Delivery, recovering, going back to work, all of it. I didn’t plan on being a single mommy.

Here’s my story —

As most of you following me know, I lost a baby last May. Well, after that horrendous breakup/miscarriage, I stayed single for a while. I decided this past April to go to a mud bog with a bunch of friends. Drink, ride, dance, all of it. Well, We all got really drunk, and I ended up sleeping with my friend, got sober, got off (was on top) and started crying & apologizing and his response was “it’s okay, I already came anyways.” I froze. The next day, I took a plan b. I wasn’t ready to get pregnant again, I had just lost a baby last year, was not trying to get pregnant & definitely wasn’t trying with him.

Well, long story short, I went over to his house to tell him I was pregnant. He got all in my face and shoved me, and when he shoved me, I fell and hit my head on the tailgate of his truck & proceeded to land on my belly, I called the cops & had an ambulance come and get me and he was arrested. I had a concussion, and the baby was perfectly fine. At the time I was about 7 weeks, but I heard the heartbeat. he’s a POS. He was bailed out by his mom. He then told me he “doesn’t produce sperm due to being sick as a child” and that he doesn’t want anything to do with me or the baby. He has been telling his friends, previously OUR friends, that I lost the baby at 2 months. His MOTHER even texted me and said “David doesn’t produce sperm and I have the medical documents to prove it.” And then she proceeded to accidentally text me “I blocked that psycho bitch” honestly. Needless to say, I have been doing so much better since he is out of my life & I haven’t spoken to him since the day after he was bailed out, I wasn’t even wanting to talk to him then, but that’s when he texted me and told me all that bs. I’m so nervous about being a single mommy. I know I can do it, but I’m still nervous. I’m 24, will be 25 when he gets here. But I love him SO much already & can not wait for him to get here.

But any advice & encouraging words of wisdom are welcome.