herpes?! please help

I'm a 20 year old girl and have only ever had protected sex- never without condom. In the past few months i've slept with only 2 men - when I've asked they all said they are completely clean. however for a week now i've had consistent itching around my vulva i'm so so worried that it may be herpes. Will my sex and love life be completely over?! I'm going to my GP tomorrow - i'm from england - what if medication is completely unaffordable for me?! I'm terrified. I can't tell anyone about this family/friends.

However, i am wondering : Could it be a different infection? The itching started whilst on holiday after I shaved and went swimming in the sea. Grasping at straws here but i don't know. I'm going to ask for a test tomorrow.

I've experienced no pain when peeing or flu type symptoms or weird discharge.