Still not sleeping

My son is 18w4d and still not sleeping at night. Since 13weeks he will go back and forth from having a good nights sleep to waking up every hour the next night. Last night I finally broke down crying so hard my husband woke up and had to take him from me to give me a break and get at least an hour of sleep. But I was crying so much I couldn’t sleep. I felt bad that my husband had to take him considering that he’s the one that works 12 hour shifts and I’m a SAHM. My husband told me it was fine that he took our son but I could just tell from his tone of voice he was annoyed from having to get up. I feel like I failed, like I should be able to handle this. And honestly at that moment I just wanted a hug and to be told everything was going to be okay. Please tell me it gets better and I’m not alone.