
If you had a boss that you told something very personal to( being pregnant) and specifically asked her to not tell anybody else that you guys work with because it’s still early on and you don’t want to spread the news yet, yet another coworker comes up to you and tells you that she spreading your business all over the bank… What would you ladies do, there’s been a long history with me and my boss and her talking a bunch of crap about me to the other employees and them telling me and even me over hearing her talking a bunch of crap about me to other employees. I let all that other shit go because you know what I’m not there for her to fucking like me I’m there to do my job and that’s it,But this was the last fucking straw. I specifically told her that I was very early on in my pregnancy but I didn’t want to share it with anybody because there is the chance of a miscarriage, and I had a miscarriage this weekend and I specifically told her to not share that information either and there she is telling everybody my business. The only reason I told her anything in the first place is because she’s my boss and I didn’t want to have to tiptoe or worry about lying as to why I’ve been taking time off to go to the doctors. What would you ladies do??

She is only operations supervisor, so I went to the branch manager and told him and he was pissed, he said that she shouldn’t be spreading your business no matter what the situation and that he’s going to be having a talk with her.

I love my job and I don’t want to ever work anywhere else I just don’t want to work under this bitch anymore. We got taken over by another bank in November and it has been absolutely amazing working for this bigger bank. I just feel like I can’t tolerate her any longer and I’m ready to ask to either be transferred to a different branch or to have her be transferred somewhere else.