What’s normal?


Hi, I’m a first time mom and I’m 6 weeks and 6 days. Around 5 weeks I had awful morning sickness for like two days. I couldn’t leave bed, but since then it’s been way more manageable. I still throw up, usually once a day if I have to be up super early like I do for work, and I’ll have nausea all day but like I said it’s been way more manageable then it was in the beginning. And some days I feel almost completely normal. Boobs less sore and everything!! Is this normal? I’m not able to see my OB till I’m 8 weeks- and I’m worrying myself sick. Also I’m a first time mom. Please someone tell me this is all normal!! I’m sick of being so worried. I just want my baby to be okay. I’ve been praying about it, but could use some advice!! Thanks in advance!! 💜