My sex life is making me sad?


I know this is maybe awkward or tmi, but I just don’t have any close female friends I can talk to anymore that wouldn’t just tell me to leave my boyfriend, when I need actual advice.

My boyfriend doesn’t initiate sex, he initiates other things, such as me doing things to him, but he never just looks at me and wants to have sex any more. He doesn’t go out of his way to make me feel good either.

When I try to initiate anything it turns into him asking for oral and when I suggest sex he says “I don’t know” and that’s the end of it, because I won’t push any further, it just makes me feel worse about myself. This entire situation is making me feel very down on myself and unattractive. Maybe I’m over reacting, or just being too much right now, but I feel like he doesn’t see my need for sex as something that is as important as his? I’ve communicated this to him on multiple occasions, telling him that I have needs too, and that I’m not exactly happy with our sex life, and he acts as if he understands but nothing has changed. I feel crazy for being so upset but I’m just not happy with how things are. I know sex isn’t all that matters but I’m only 21, and it feels like there is no passion between us anymore. The situation that led me to posting this tonight, and me feeling this way right now, is because I was doing stuff with him, tried to initiate sex, and he just said “I don’t know” again, and then started jerking off instead of even doing anything with me at all? Right next to me, facing the other way?

I feel alone, and sad. There’s not a single person I feel comfortable talking about this with because of how personal it is, but I feel like this is doing such a number on my self esteem that it’s not healthy for me.. I had to say something, somewhere.

I don’t know if he’s just not attracted to me any more, or if he’s not in love with me any more, or if I’m doing something wrong? Things are so different than they were.

He acts as if he loves me until it comes down to anything related to sex.

I know that sex isn’t everything. I know maybe I’m being ungrateful for being so unhappy with my sex life. I’ve had way worse relationships.

I love this person so much. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do.